Canadian Salmon

Salmo Salar

Taste the arctic farms: Our salmon offers a unique flavor profile shaped by its pristine environment. Each fillet offers a nutritious and tasteful delicacy.

IVP on sizes in 4 oz. / 5oz. / 6oz. / 7oz. / 8oz.

Fillet of 2-3 lbs. and 3-4 lbs.


  • Canadian pride: Sourced exclusively from the Pacific Northwest farms, a region globally celebrated for its high quality salmon.

  • Responsibly caught: Harvested using ethical farming methods that prioritize both fish and environmental sustainability..

  • Eco-conscious: A commitment to sustainability and responsible practices that you can trust.

Flavor Profile

Our Canadian Salmon offers a delicate balance of flavors—mildly sweet with a smooth, buttery texture, that melts in your mouth. This salmon is equally splendid grilled, smoked or baked, and is a fantastic addition to anything from salads to sushi rolls.

Cooking & Pairing suggestions

Canadian Salmon is a versatile hero in the kitchen. Grill it with a cedar plank for a smoky aroma, bake it in a creamy dill sauce, or showcase in a poke bowl.

Wine pairing: Complement the subtle flavors of this salmon with a glass of Pinot Noir or a citrusy Chardonnay.

Sustainability & Traceability

Pacific Wild holds to the highest ethical standards when it comes to sourcing our products. Our Canadian Salmon comes from providers who are committed to the long term health of the salmon populations and the broader marine ecosystem.